Thank you for recognizing other authors and giving good recommendations.

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Your editor self is speaking to my very spirit with those little notes. As always, Leanne, thank you for the passionate support and kind words. I appreciate it deeply, and I plan to make some time for your own sagas in the near future.

One quick note, The Jarl's Son is actually the fourth story I wrote with Gaiur. The first two are considerably shorter, and comprise the first two stories I ever shared to Substack. The first is The Demon from Beyond the Stars, a short novella just over 20k words. The second is The Storm's Child, a novelette of about half that length.

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There's MORE?!?! AHHHH I'm so excited :) Looking forward to going all the way back to the first one!

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Great authors listed here! And can’t wait for book two!

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And thank you for the restack!

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Thank you so much for the mention!!

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You're welcome! I'm looking forward to Judith's future adventures!

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Thank you for the mention!

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You’re welcome!

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Thank you for mentioning the Lunar Awards, Leanne! It's greatly appreciated. 👍

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You’re welcome

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Thank you for all the support and shout-outs! I'm getting that slightly breathless, hyperventilatey feeling of excitement at all of the delicious reading possibilities here! Eeek!! xo

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Any time!

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