Hi Leanne, I just responded to your note on my post and came over here to see what you are up to. This Welsh guide is great. There are two members of Elizabeth Tudor's household — main characters in my novel, actually — who are Welsh, so I've been availing myself of colourful Welsh curses. How to pronounce them would be handy. Might you help? Or know someone who could?

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I have a friend in the States who is Welsh and has a Welsh speaker friend. I've been checking in with him. I was taught the Welsh for "shut up", the height of swearing for an eight year old, but I do not recall whether it is legitimate, although Google translate tells me I've been spelling it wrong: cau di gag. Sarah Byfield is a Substacker and I think she is a Welsh speaker? Also, I'd love the curses if you're willing to share them!

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I’m noting an obsession with sheep and sheep dogs ....

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Hi Leanne and Sandra, I live in Wales and am a fluent Welsh speaker - happy to help in anyway I can?

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Hi Sarah, Sandra is the one in need of assistance. I’m content to let my readers and myself flounder 😂

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Hi Sarah, I'm delighted with your offer of help! I need to give a phonetic guide to how the words are pronounced. Here are three, but here may be more. My YA novel, which is only in draft at this point, is set in Tudor England. I know how it might have been pronounced then would be too tricky. Present day is fine. And please correct!

These are from


And https://omniglot.com/language/endearment/welsh.htm

Blodyn tatws, literally "potato flowers," a Welsh term of affection.

Cachu hwch, literally "pig's poo," a Welsh expression of dismay.

Coc y gath (pronounced "cock uh garth"), literally "the cat's penis," a Welsh expression of dismay and anger.

Also, if you can suggest fun expletives, that would be great.

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