Pronunciation tips
Honestly, just do your best. Nobody can hear this but you.
Our conversations about this journal will all be typed. I’m not Welsh but learned it briefly (once in my late teens and once last year) so if you’re Welsh-speaking, please feel free to correct me in the comments and I will update.
c - always as in ‘cat’
ch - as in ‘loch’ (put some air and spit into it)
ll - an airy ‘hl’ sound
r - roll it with a push of exhaled air
y - as in ‘see’
Welsh words and names (pronunciation), meaning
caer (kare), city or town
cariad (Kah-ree-add), love
Ceridwy (kare-ud-wee), Llyr’s mother and council member (do I need a cast of characters??)
draig môr (DRY-g more), sea dragon (singular)
dreigiau môr (DREG-EYE MORE), sea dragons (group noun)
Eidothea (EYE-doe-thee-ah), our heroine. (not the th is soft so not like “the”)
grym bywd (grim bye-wid), a sea dragon’s magical life force
hwyres (your guess is as good as mine), child
Llyr (hl-ear), an adventurous sea dragon with a deep connection to our heroine
medd reismôr (medth ree-s-more), sea-rice mead
Pendyr (pen-dear, or pen-der), heroine’s surname
pythefnos (pee-theff-no-s), a fifteen nights
Did I miss any? Want a Cast of Characters?
Comment below and I’ll update this!
Hi Leanne, I just responded to your note on my post and came over here to see what you are up to. This Welsh guide is great. There are two members of Elizabeth Tudor's household — main characters in my novel, actually — who are Welsh, so I've been availing myself of colourful Welsh curses. How to pronounce them would be handy. Might you help? Or know someone who could?