Why subscribe?
Because like me, you love finding the extraordinary hidden inside the dusty and discarded. You long for adventure and romance of times past.
What this will be:
Recently, I found this old trunk in my attic. I started this publication to share all that I find within it. Spoiler: the first find is a diary from 1814. It’s magical. It’s full of hidden journaling and talks about sea dragons, or dreigiau môr.
I’m sharing one instalment a week from this first journal and there are more books in this antique trove of documents to type up and share!
I might best describe this diary as a Regency-era Arthurian quest to avoid ecological collapse, with sea dragons.
If that sounds like a writer’s elevator pitch, you’d be correct. Until the 3rd February 2024 I wrote all about my writing process, but now ...
The Môrdreigiau Chronicles begins with A Grail for Eidothea
continues with A River Trembles
Still to come are A Sword for Wellington, Sable’s Moonstone, and A Soul for the World.
Short stories set in The Môrdreigiau Chronicles universe can be found in The Red Book of Rhiannon:
Getting to read these journals and letters inspired me to write my own serial, Hiraeth, published monthly, about the Chosen Court that disappeared while on a quest to find a second home for the dreigiau môr.
Future serials include Obsidian and Flame (coming in 2025) and an Arthurian tale with the working title After Isolde.
What else?
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Who Am I?
I am an artist, a writer, and I love poking around in antique shops.
(Want to read more about what makes this author tick? Read: Who Am I to Write Project Starfish?)
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