
Ok so my big plan was to draw you all a KDrama style sort of manga style series of pictures at the end of this but I just got back from a month long holiday and umm… haven’t done it yet. Stay tuned. I can see it in my mind, just need to get it down.

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Ah, the month-long holiday! Lovely of you to stop by for a walk, Leanne!

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Was so thrilled to be there and finally meet you in person!!

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Oh, the errant curl tucked back into the bonnet... love it.

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Thanks for the links to previous chapters. Rather confusing to start in the middle (or near the end) of something.

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You're welcome! I have a bunch of first chapters saved in my Inbox ... and it's so much easier to save the Table of Contents (or the Start Here post) than to have to hunt through the list of articles on a publication. I mean, if it sounds good enough I will keep digging, but I like to make it easy!

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