26: Blinded By The Light
Chapter 26 of "A River Trembles", Book Two of The Môrdreigiau Chronicles
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The story began in A Grail for Eidothea. You really need to catch up to make sense of A River Trembles. Go on, save this post and go have a binge read. You deserve it.
Conditions in the dungeon improved but Emrys couldn’t salvage the situation upstairs and arrived to whisk them away. Lady Angharad caught them in the act. She puts Eidothea and Emrys on trial for treason (yes, again). She tried to kill Eidothea, but Emrys took the blow meant for her and collapsed, senseless.
Anyone singing the title to this chapter? You’re welcome.
:Sit back,: Ondine warned me, and I obeyed.
Fingers spread, she pushed down at Emrys’s chest, not touching him. I saw energy leave her palm and hit him. His body shuddered.
I grabbed her arm. :Are you trying to kill him?:
She shook me off. :Trust your Healer, Eidothea. Look.:
Emrys’ gills fluttered and then established a normal rhythm in conjunction with the rise and fall of his chest.
:Carry him to his chambers. He will need more care but the worst is past.: She shook her head at Lady Angharad, now bound in the same ropes that had held Emrys and I. :You are supposed to use the gift to heal.:
Lady Angharad’s face paled then turned mulish, unrepentant.
I rose, intending to follow Emrys from the hall, but Maeve stayed me with a hand. :You must speak to your people.:
:And say what?: I turned my grief ravaged face from her to Ondine. :Llyr is in the dungeons, Cychwr too. Take your brother home and heal him. He has not woken once since we were attacked.:
:Attacked?: Ondine paled and followed a guard out.
I strode to the centre of the dais and raised an open-palmed hand for attention. I already had it. :The Esteemed will live.:
Their collective sigh of relief cheered me. I continued, :I will remain under his tutelage until my coronation with my Chosen Court around me. Yes, change is coming but your well-being will always be a priority.:
:What of Lady Angharad?: called out an unfamiliar voice.
:Her punishments will be decided by her brother, not I. He is still our Esteemed.: My legs turned to jelly. I sagged. :I need to…: Say goodbye to Llyr, make sure Emrys woke. I said none of that. I nodded at Maeve.
She returned my nod and faced the astonished crowd. :This session is dismissed.: Maeve smiled. :It’s so good to see you all again. I will come and visit each of you, by and by.:
The crowd dissipated. My grandmother hurried up the few steps of the dais. :Hwyres, you look exhausted.:
:I am.: I swayed in the ocean’s current. I managed to smile at Maeve. :Maeve, I am so glad you are not dead.: I flung my arms around her, hugging her hard.
:Me?: Maeve’s arms flapped ineffectually until she patted my back. :What made you think that?:
:Your body outside your cave.: I let her go. :Was it not you?:
Maeve smiled. :I moulted. I shed my skin and more besides. It was awkward, but a good deal less painful than a pool of lava.: She smiled again at my incomprehension. :Ascending took much longer than I expected.: She glanced at Elin Grealseeker. :The ring. May I have it?:
Elin tilted her head. :Why? The Greal is found—:
:Is it at your home? I will tell you why on the way.: Maeve descended the steps and linked her arm with my grandmother’s. :Shall we?: She glanced over her shoulder. :You should rest.:
Curious about the pool of lava and why Maeve wants to keep the Grealseeker Ring? You’ll want to check out this short story in The Red Book of Rhiannon:
I nodded. I saw them off and headed for the royal chambers. I paused outside Emrys’ door. It stood ajar. Two guards stood outside.
Ignoring Maeve’s wish for me to rest, I walked through his open door, passing through the antechamber, heading for his bedroom. I stopped in the doorway.
Healers still busied around him. I leaned against the doorjamb, head drooping, waiting for them to finish their work. Someone nudged my elbow. I glanced up to see Rhiannon, her face creased with worry.
:Rhiannon.: I stirred out of my near-slumber.
She tucked her arm into mine. She trembled. We leaned into each other. :You look terrible.: Her gaze went to Emrys, surrounded by healers. :This is horrible. How is he?:
One of the healers heard her and straightened, the others following suit. :He is resting comfortably. In a day or two he should be able to resume light duties.:
:From a blow that nearly killed him?: I asked.
:Ondine is a remarkable healer. The best.: Her fellow healers, men and women, nodded and murmured agreement. We stepped inside the bedchamber to give them room to pass. They left.
I sat at Emrys’ bedside, taking his hand in mine. Rhiannon stood at my shoulder. He looked far too still, reminding me of Llyr’s immobile state. I sent a thought to Ondine. :Have you seen him?:
:Yes, we are on our way home,: came her response. :Oh, Eidothea! How did you bear it?:
:I did everything I could think of to help him.:
:Of course you did. Cychwr has already told me. You love my brother, don’t you?:
:Mmm?: My head drooped. I did not have the capacity to answer such a loaded question.
Ondine took pity on me. :I will let you know when he wakes. Don’t worry, Eidothea. I won’t give up.:
Rhiannon tapped my shoulder. :You are falling asleep. Go and rest. You have been through so much.:
I shook my head. :This is my fault,: I got out.
Her hand stroked my back. :You know it isn’t. It’s Lady Angharad’s refusal to be ousted. I will sit with him, although given the healers have left, he must be out of danger. If something happens, I will call for you. Will that be sufficient?:
Reluctantly, I allowed her to guide me to the hallway and to my room. She returned to Emrys’ side.
I sat beside his bed, taking his hand into mine. My fingers trembled. My whole body shook. We had come so close to losing him. I had come so close to losing him.
Emrys had had little time for me and our joint discovery into Gorawyn’s death recently. I understood now that it had been for the Chosen Court.
I had felt his absence deeply. I saw now how Gorawyn had fallen head over heels in love with him. Beneath the brusque armour of a ruler breathed a kind man, and a charming, compassionate one. His scarred heart still suffered from losing Gorawyn. Had it begun to heal? Perhaps it would once we learned what truly happened to our loved one.
I laid my head on the counterpane and closed my eyes, focused upon the pain and tension curled within my throat and belly. Unshed tears burned behind my eyes.
Some hours later, I woke with a start. I had only meant to rest for a few minutes. I groaned at the crick in my neck. Sitting up, I stretched out my back.
Someone squeezed my hand. I glanced down, surprised and disoriented. My gaze traveled up Emrys’ arm to his face. His grey eyes blinked at me.
:You are awake,: I whispered.
He managed a smile. :I didn’t expect to find you in my bedchamber.:
I bolted up and away from his bed. :I did not mean to fall asleep! Emrys, you cannot think—:
He chuckled. :Sit down. I’m teasing.:
Cheeks heating, I sat, my hand slipping into his. :How do you feel? The healers said a couple of days rest, then light duties. I can hardly believe that’s all your recovery. You nearly died. If it wasn’t for Ondine…:
His thumb stroked over the back of my hand. :It’s not the first time Lady Angharad has flung a thunderbolt at me. When I realised she was practicing it in a manner unfit for a healer, I devised a counter-spell. I guess it didn’t work?:
:It worked well enough.: The thought came from the doorway. The healer from the night before stood there observing us. :Not even Ondine can bring back the dead.:
I rose, my hand slipping free of Emrys’. :I will leave the patient in your care.: I hastily quitted the room, not looking back, glad Emrys could not read minds. If he noticed a change in my feelings and asked me about them, he would hear whether or not I spoke the truth.
Behind me, I heard him ask, :Healer Derfel, I have a question for you—: I hastened through the antechamber across the hall to find my own bed.
:Your Majesty?: The chief steward’s thought cut into my dreams.
I debated whether to fake sleep. I had only just closed my eyes. With a sigh, I sat up. :What is it?:
:The Council has called a meeting. Some defend Lady Angharad, while others take your part.:
Blinking, I realised I had slept for at least a couple of hours. I flung back the covers and rose. I glanced across the room to where Rhiannon slept, curled up on her bed. Emrys must be healing well.
:Ondine,: I thought at her. :How is Llyr?:
:No change,: came the distracted response. I will let you know when he wakes. Please don’t interrupt me while I work on him.:
Apologising to her, I left the jewelry piece at the dressing table. I would let my Chosen Mark shine.
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Poor Llyr. The feelings are strong here, all around. Can't wait to see what happens next!